Просмотр полной версии : WHO

Анатолий Игнатьев
23.05.2008, 16:18
Oчень интересный сайт ВОЗ. http://www.who.int/

Можно найти много статистической информации.


Levels of Consumption -> Total (recorded + unrecorded) adult per capita consumption in litres, average 2002 -> Total (recorded + unrecorded) adult per capita consumption in litres, average 2002 -> total

Republic of Moldova 24,96
Uganda 18,57
Hungary 17,41
Croatia 16,98
Ukraine 15,58
Russian Federation 15,23
Republic of Korea 14,84
Ireland 14,72
Romania 14,69
Slovakia 14,59
Luxembourg 14,19
Lithuania 14,15
Nigeria 14,07
Burundi 13,97
Czech Republic 13,93
Denmark 13,7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13,46
Zimbabwe 13,46
France 13,34
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 13,29
Germany 13,18
Portugal 12,87
Spain 12,45
Cyprus 12,17
Gabon 12,16
Austria 11,6
Latvia 11,6
Switzerland 11,43
Rwanda 11,29
Finland 11,21
Bahamas 11,14
Belarus 11,03
Estonia 11
Swaziland 10,99
Greece 10,94
Poland 10,94
Niue 10,85
Belgium 10,7
Argentina 10,54
Netherlands 10,31
Italy 9,91
Peru 9,89
Slovenia 9,89
New Zealand 9,84
Uruguay 9,8
Canada 9,77
Saint Lucia 9,75
Japan 9,6
United States of America 9,58
Sao Tome and Principe 9,48
Bulgaria 9,43
Dominica 9,2
Australia 9,17
South Africa 9,12
Venezuela 9,02
Sierra Leone 8,99
Sweden 8,98
Chile 8,84
Brazil 8,76
Belize 8,61
Seychelles 8,48
Kazakhstan 8,06
Burkina Faso 7,91
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7,91
Botswana 7,88
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7,87
Colombia 7,75
Thailand 7,71
Costa Rica 7,66
Mexico 7,65
Iceland 7,62
Saint Kitts and Nevis 7,57
United Republic of Tanzania 7,52
Namibia 7,5
Norway 7,5
Haiti 7,49
Dominican Republic 7,45
Grenada 7,24
Ecuador 7,23
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 7,04
Azerbaijan 7,01
Barbados 7
Bahrain 6,82
Philippines 6,61
Panama 6,57
Chad 6,55
Malta 6,4
Cameroon 6,37
Bolivia 6,34
Antigua and Barbuda 6,32
Suriname 6,2
Cape Verde 6,14
China 5,94
Guyana 5,9
Zambia 5,76
Lesotho 5,62
El Salvador 5,61
Kenya 5,61
Ethiopia 5,51
Paraguay 5,25
Ghana 5,2
Albania 5,18
Liberia 5,16
Angola 5,13
Kyrgyzstan 4,93
Mongolia 4,76
Honduras 4,71
Tajikistan 4,56
Cuba 4,53
Congo 4,5
Trinidad and Tobago 4,34
Qatar 4,29
Turkey 4,09
Georgia 4,06
Lebanon 4,01
Jamaica 3,91
Mauritius 3,88
Guatemala 3,77
Guinea-Bissau 3,58
Nicaragua 3,56
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 3,48
Uzbekistan 3,41
Armenia 3,33
Central African Republic 3,3
Israel 3,28
Gambia 3,23
Democratic Republic of the Congo 3,2
Singapore 3,14
Fiji 2,93
Viet Nam 2,87
Kiribati 2,77
Equatorial Guinea 2,51
Papua New Guinea 2,41
Côte d'Ivoire 2,39
Sri Lanka 2,38
Nepal 2,36
Nauru 2,31
Maldives 2,3
India 2,17
Micronesia (Federated States of ) 2,16
Turkmenistan 2,11
Cambodia 2,09
Mozambique 2,08
Djibouti 2,06
Malaysia 2,06
Cook Islands 2
Madagascar 1,98
Malawi 1,86
Benin 1,72
Tunisia 1,65
Tuvalu 1,54
Togo 1,52
Morocco 1,45
Eritrea 1,44
Sudan 1,31
Senegal 1,27
United Arab Emirates 1,02
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1
Tonga 0,99
Vanuatu 0,96
Solomon Islands 0,88
Syrian Arab Republic 0,88
Myanmar 0,74
Bhutan 0,66
Egypt 0,64
Indonesia 0,6
Saudi Arabia 0,6
Oman 0,58
Mali 0,52
Brunei Darussalam 0,5
Jordan 0,5
Somalia 0,5
Algeria 0,46
Pakistan 0,31
Yemen 0,28
Guinea 0,23
Iraq 0,19
Bangladesh 0,17
Comoros 0,16
Niger 0,1
Kuwait 0,05
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0,04
Afghanistan 0,03
Mauritania 0,01

Это совкупное (учтённое и неучтённое) потребление этанола в литрах на душу населения старше 15 лет за 2002 год. Свежее данных нет. Я упорядочил по убыванию.